It has been said that nearly everyone thinks of himself or herself as a good person.  That includes people who commit crimes such as murder, theft, rape, abuse, and much more.  Of course, we all have excuses for our failures and we tend to see the failures of other people as inexcuseable, especially those people with whom we have no intimate connection or those people from whom we expect to derive no benefit.  We tend to see our mistakes and failures and those of people with whom we are favorably, intimately, economically, and/or socially connected as mere minor infractions, no matter how serious.  Those mistakes have no bearing on our true nature and character, so we think.  But if we are capable of desperately selfish acts, is that not revealing of our true nature and character?
What is the truth about us and them -- those people different from us, those people who are not part of our family, our benefactors, our customers, our political party, our social group, etc.?